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The history of the journey

The success of the Egor Group is fundamentally due to the systematic orientation in two vectors that are considered strategic: an unquestionable commitment to the quality of services and the construction of highly qualified work teams. The correctness of these guidelines led to Egor becoming, from 1996 onwards, the pioneer company in Quality Certification by APCER in the area of provision of human resources services and extending the same certification to all associated companies based on the standards ISO 9000 standards and, over the years, have received numerous institutional recognitions that attest to our orientation towards customer service.

+ 500


+ 80

Millions of euros in turnover

+ 5000

specialized talents recruited for our clients

+ 5000


The Journey

In life, the roads we travel are rarely flat and free from obstacles. We can look at them as something insurmountable, or see each one of them as something that challenges us and tests our will, determination and persistence.

The paths that Egor took were made up of a lot of work, effort and some dose of courage. Making it happen is not easy, especially in a context of accelerated socioeconomic change and in a sector of activity that requires and expects us to be the best.

We went through all the crises that the country went through. We overcame the temptation to lower our arms while taking steps that others did not dare to take. We live in uncertainty and hope, calculated risk and, sometimes, flight forward. We had the merit of always investing in Quality, taking risks in the unknown, but also savoring the taste of what was worth it.

At a time when the future happens every day, being in the world of Human Resources gives us a tremendous advantage: we work with and for People. Not just with the best, but also with those who want to go further.

We’ve been here since 1986 and it seems like it was yesterday.

– Amândio da Fonseca

    • At a time when Portugal was preparing its integration into the Common Market, Amândio da Fonseca, in association with the Paris headquarters of Egor Internacional, founded Egor Portugal, LDA. The objective of the new company was to "Europeanize" an aging sector of activity and benefit from the synergies and know-how of one of the main European Human Resources groups. The success of the innovations introduced in the R&S sector by the new “multinational” resulted, in the following years, not only in rapid growth and profitability, but above all in the success of a policy of diversification and expansion of activities through the creation of new companies.

      • 1988

        The companies Egor Tecnologias (Egor Technologies) and RH Norte (Human Resources – North) are created.

      • 1989

        The companies Egor Management and Training and Temporary Work Guardianship are created.

      • 1990

        Egor Portugal acquires the CHALLENGERS TROPHY brand, which led Outdoor Training activities in Belgium and launches a pioneering activity that, over the following ten years, enthusiastically involved more than a dozen thousand managers and university students and launched in Portugal the cult of adventure sports, as a training methodology based on experiential activities.

      • 1991

        119 teams, representing the largest national and multinational companies, participate in the 1st edition of the Challengers Trophy in Portugal. In the years that followed, 13 Editions of the Challengers Trophy - Companies and 4 Editions of the Challengers Trophy - Universities were held. Egor Portugal hires, exclusively, the front page of Expresso Emprego to publicize R&S advertisements. This year, Egor Gestão e Finanças was founded.

      • 1992

        EGOR INTERNACIONAL did not survive the economic crisis that affected Europe and suspended its activities in France and most of the countries where it was present. In the same year, the company Egor Sistemas da Qualidade (Quality Systems) was created.

      • 1994

        Amândio da Fonseca acquires the majority of the capital of Egor Portugal and the Egor brand in several countries, ensuring the continuity of the activity as a company with exclusively national capital.

      • 1995

        The company draws up a strategic business development plan responding to growing market requests, activities in the areas of Training, HR Consulting, Total Quality Management, Temporary Work and Outsourcing.

      • 1996

        The Egor Group begins the company certification project and Egor Portugal is the first to be certified by the then IPQ – Portuguese Quality Institute through the international standard ISO 9001 and becomes the first Portuguese company in the R&S and Psychological Assessment sector to boast , isolated, this Certification.

      • 1997

        EGORGEST SGPS SA is created, the holding company on which all participating companies depend, thus constituting the Egor Group.

      • 1998

        The company AUTSOURCE was created, which replaced the then TUTELA - PROVISION OF SERVICES.

      • 1999

        EGOR creates the Job Bank portal and develops the first employment Contact Center in Portugal and makes significant investments in technology, equipment and dedicated lines. In the same year, QMS Certification was extended to the companies RH Norte and Temporary Work.

      • 2000

        Redesign the Portal and publicize job offers by creating a dedicated space on EXPRESSO EMPREGO.

      • 2005

        AUTSOURCE – PROVISION OF SERVICES is certified by ISO 9001.

      • 2006

        The Egor Group celebrates its 20th anniversary.

      • 2008

        Egor Consulting is certified by ISO 9001.

      • 2009

        Through a partnership with the company THINKSMART from Spain, EGOR THINKSMART – Incentives was created in Portugal.

      • 2012

        RH Portugal is certified by ISO 9001.

      • 2014

        This year, Outsourcing, Temporary Work, Recruitment and Selection and Training services are distinguished as Best HR Suppliers, in an APG initiative, repeated in the following years.

      • 2016

        The Egor Group moves its facilities to Av. José Malhoa and celebrates 30 years of activity.

      • 2018

        The role of CEO is created and Dr. Amândio da Fonseca assumes the role of Chairman of the Group.

      • 20/21

        The company adopts remote work in the majority of operations, across different companies.

      • 2022

        The Egor Group celebrates 36 years.

      • 05/2002

        After the end of restrictions caused by the pandemic situation, the Egor Group opts for hybrid work solutions.

    • Egor launches a Rebranding process. The capacity of adapting to change, and the launch of specialized brands – The Bridge - Trabalho Temporário, Lda. (the brand for the Temporary Work services) and Synchro – Serviços de Outsourcing, Lda. (the brand for the outsourcing services) – reflects the commitment, not only in an image refreshment, but above all in a fundamental strategic investment in innovation digital and technological, which aims to substantiate, give body and substance to the motto we chose as our main purpose: Success through People.

  • What we do

    The Talent Acquisition Solutions area provides clients with specialized support to thrive in a volatile market where talent is increasingly scarce and recruitment increasingly complex.

    Synchro is an Egor associate company. It is specialized in outsourcing projects/services for large and medium-sized companies, seeking to reduce its partners' operating costs and increase their operational efficiency.

    The Bridge is an Egor associate company, specialized in the recruitment, selection and hiring of temporary workers for public and private companies.

    We develop people-focused solutions aimed at the success of companies, through constant updating and a multidisciplinary approach, specializing in management consultancy and transformation.

    We seek to develop talent by transforming human and business potential and stimulating partnership relationships. Using tailor-made approaches and methodologies, we create sustainable projects, taking into account the needs of our partners, combined with solid implementation and innovation.

    Through the Innovation & Technology area, we analyze the market to identify potential solutions that provide answers to the challenges of new technologies in the Human Resources area.