HR Tech Solutions
Through the Innovation & Technology area, we analyze the market to identify potential solutions that provide answers to the challenges of cutting-edge technologies in the area of Human Resources.
Although very real, it has become almost commonplace to remember the recurring volatility of markets, the need for adaptation, the pressures of ongoing social transformation and the form they affect both companies and ways of working, as well as the transformations induced or enhanced by growing capabilities that technology brings forward every day.
The possibilities created by technology arise, in particular, from rendering new challenges and innovative responses at various levels, creating the currently widespread concept of Digital Transformation. The digital transformation of companies, in itself, creates very relevant challenges for the Human Resources Management role, requiring digital transformation processes of the role itself and the need to effectively support the Company’s broader transformations.
Through our Innovation & Technology area, we continually analyze the market to identify potential solutions that provide innovative, technology-based responses to challenges in the Human Resources area.
This continuous analysis is essential to support our Teams in their relationship with Clients in all areas, from Training & Consulting, Recruitment & Selection, Outsourcing, or Temporary Work.
Based on this constant contact with the market and potential partners, we choose potential solutions and define approaches that enhance the internal transformation of the Egor group and which, in several cases, can also be used as levers in the transformation processes of our Customers in the areas of HR, through the empowerment of Technology.