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A training academy designed to ensure the sustainability of human resources, based on 5 pillars.

We develop talent through the transformation of the employees’ human and business potential, stimulating partnership relationships and career development.


We support the continuous development of Leaders by updating skills aligned with the needs of the current labor market, and while maintaining a focus on the future.

Available training programs:

  • Leadership and Team Management
  • Optimized Leadership with DISC profile
  • Optimized Leadership with DISC profile
  • Change Management
  • Communication with Impact

We help make companies more socially responsible places and encourage more inclusive and safe work environments, by establishing ongoing strategic policies and programs to promote health and well-being.

Available training programs:

  • Mindful Eating
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Stress Management and Well-being
  • Corporate Yoga
  • Integrated Wellbeing Practices
  • Mindfulness
  • Integrated Mental Health Practices
Performance & Alignment

We support the development and continuous improvement of employees through tools that contribute to greater productivity and more effective management of both personal and professional time, enabling greater alignment with the vision and values of organizations.

Available training programs:

  • Productivity and Time Management
  • High-Performance Teams
  • Teamwork
  • Relational Intelligence
  • Conflict Management
Emotional Intelligence

We support the continuous development of teams in terms of enabling greater self-awareness, self-control, empathy, motivation and ability to influence others, with the aim of enhancing and improving their performance and productivity.

Available training programs:

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Emotional Regulation of Teams
  • Positive Mindset
  • Motivation and Resilience

How we build our value proposition


To Diagnose

The diagnosis is a fundamental part of assessing development opportunities, as well as getting to know the participants and their challenges, with the aim of adapting the training to their needs.

To ramp up

The diagnosis is a fundamental part of assessing development opportunities, as well as getting to know the participants and their challenges, with the aim of adapting the training to their needs.

To Implement

Selection and development of active learning blocks that invite the participation, exchange of ideas and development of improvement actions adapted to the company's real needs, relating theoretical inputs with the participants' day-to-day work.

To Assess

Assessment of groups in relation to the components of the training action, allowing an analysis of results, essential for the sharing of best practices, suggestions and recommendations.